Light micrograph of stained pollen of Pinus sp. In the image each pollen grain presents two air bladders for wind dispersal (anemophily or wind pollination). The pollen has an immature male gametophyte with two tiny prothallial cells: a tube cell and a generative cell. After pollination, the tube cell develops the pollen tube and the generative cell divides to form a sterile cell and a spermatogenous cell that divides again to produce two male gametes. The pine is a resinous and aromatic evergreen conifer tree of the genus Pinus, of the family Pinaceae. It is the most widespread genus of trees in the Northern Hemisphere. Some pine products include: timber, wood pulp, pine resin (rosin and turpentine), charcoal, carbon black (carcinogenic), fuel gases and edible seeds (pine nuts). It has a great importance in bioenergy (as a biomass), forestry and ecology. Field of view size: 240 x 360 痠 (0.009 x 0.014 in)

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