HOROSCOPES - HENRY VIII, KING OF ENGLAND Henry was born on 28 June 1491, in London. According to the chart cast by Ebenezer Sibly, A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences (1790), Henry was born at 10:40 am. As one of the most significant historical figures of the period, it is inevitable that a large number of charts relating to Henry's birth were published, both during his life and in the century that followed: it is no surprise that Henry was himself a keen star-gazer, with an interest in astrology. Some of the more interesting horoscopes are those in unpublished manuscript form in the Bodleian and the British Library. The chart published by Lucas Gauricus,Tractatus Astrologicus, (1542), is certainly in error in giving the chart an Ascendant of 15.30 Leo: however, I have made this chart available, in the Charles Walker Collection. The English astrologer, John Gadbury, Collectio Geniturarum (1662), gives the more reasonable Ascendant of 27 Virgo, which was adopted by Sibly, and which has been incorporated into the Sibly chart now available from the Charles Walker Collection. Because Sibly's chart is reasonably accurate, I have used this for use as the basis for my own sigillization, merely adjusting the data to represent the accurate horoscope. The portrait displayed in my own version of the horoscope is a nineteenth century hand-coloured steel-print of the painting by Hans Holbein, executed at Henry's court, about 1526. The full data for the chart is as follows: Moon 11.47 Aries Sun 14.39 Cancer Mercury 06.45 Leo Venus 00.50 Gemini Mars 26.16 Virgo Jupiter 24.25 Gemini Saturn 06.43 r, Aquarius Uranus 22.02 r. Capricorn Neptune 25.33 r. Sagittarius Pluto 29.19 r Libra Caput 29.44 Scorpio Fortuna 23.37 Gemini Ascend. 26.29 Virgo MC 25.25 Gemini

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