PALMISTRY - Diagram showing the names of the fingers, planetary mounts and the main lines, by the English esotericist, Robert Fludd (the whole diagram is based on material derived from Agrippa), in Utriusque Cosmi Historia (De Technica Microcosmi Historia...), circa 1620. In the text, Fludd gives the names for the main lines in Latin: this nomenclature is worth recording, for it points a system which is no longer used in palmistry. A. Linea vita seu cordis (that is, Life Line, or Line of the Heart) - a curious classification by modern standards. In modern palmistry, A is the Line of Life, while F is the Line of Heart. B. Linea discriminalis seu restricta (that is, Line of Discrimination, or restricta). This latter name is still in use. Fludd has, howeve, missed out the letter B on the diagram - the line is the bottom broken line, betlow the bottom of the Percussion and the ball of the thumb. C. Linea media naturalis, seu hepatis (that is the Middle natural line, or Liver Line). This is the Head Line of the modern system of classification. D. Linea cerebri (perhaps, the Line of Understanding) - in modern palmistry, this is the Line of Intuition, or the Mercuric Line. E. Triangulum Martis (the Triangle of Mars), which relates to an area, rather than to a line. It is the triangular areaa marked out (in Fludd's diagram) by A, C and D. In modern palmistry, it is usually referred to as the Plain of Mars. F. Linea Thoralis seu mensalis aut fortune (literally, the Line of the Breast, or the Table Line, or the Fortune). None of the three terminologies survived into modern palmistry - this line is the equivalent of the Heart Line - the link with the Table is probably a thrown back to the idea of the sacrificial table, or altar. G. Mensa thorus seu quadrangulum manus (an obscure classification, with no obvious roots in non-esoteric Latin, though the line does run through the area formerly designated as the quatrangle of the hand).......................

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