POLYTEC_DRAMA All nations at important moments in their history face pivotal moments when they must urgently address pressing matters of great collective concern if they are to avoid regression. For Greece; such a moment has arrived. Unfortunately; neither of the two major political parties that have taken turns to govern the nation since the end of military rule in 1974 have displayed the administrative competence or the intellectual understanding now required to address the economic threat confronting the country. it may become an opportunity to deliver a verdict on the incompetence of the government; but the problems evidently go far deeper than a mere change of administration would correct. The nation is in dire need of new; bold; courageous leadership. It urgently requires a long-term strategy . Shortcuts will be very dangerous. Complacency may be fatal. Moral consciousness must be awakened and a grand vision needs to be developed to avert the nation's economic collapse. It is a genuine shame that a country that gave form and shape to democracy and civil virtue and once prided itself on the cultivation of aesthetics as the true meaning of life today displays astounding left wing mental perversity in sacrificing the system on the altar of greed and political clientilism. This is a true Greek tragedy. IN THE PHOTO VIEWS OF THE POLYTECHNION USED AS STEPPING STONE IN TODAYS POLITICS

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