Tutankhamun the Harpooner. A wooden figurine found in Tutankhamun's tomb. The Treasures of Tutankhamen, The Exhibition Catalogue by I E S Edwards, page 119. The Treasure Chamber in the tomb of Tutankhamen contained twenty-two black-painted wooden caskets, each of which contained one or more wooden statues portraying the pharaoh or a number of deities from the Egyptian pantheon. The statue of Tutankhamen standing upright on a papyrus raft shows him engaged in a mythical hunt for the hippopotamus symbolizing evil. The pharaoh is represented as the incarnation of Horus, the god that according to the legend fought in the swamps against the evil Seth who was transformed into a hippopotamus and was finally defeated. Tutankhamen, seen in a striding pose taking a long, solemn step appears realistically to be concentrating on launching a long spear against his enemy. The pharoah is perceived to be performing his role as guarantor of cosmic order. He is wearing the crown of Lower Egypt decorated at the front with a representation of the royal cobra above his youthful features.

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