Premier Sends Off Bannister In London Relay Save Our Churches The World ' s fastest miler , Roger Bannister , was one of a number of athletes who ran through the streets of London today carrying cheques , Bannister and the other runners were taking part the cheques , handed over by Sir Winston Churchill at 10 Downing Street , to four churches in the centre of London , St Martin Ludgate , St Margaret Pattens , St Georges , Bloonsbury and All Hallow London Wall . The cheques are a contribution from the Historic Churches Trust , of which the Premier is a trustee , to four out of two thousand ancient churches in urgent need of repair .This relay run is part of the ' Save the Churches ' week . Photo Shows outside 10 Downing STreet Sir Winston Churchill shakes hands with Roger Bannister when the Premier handed over the cheques to him and the three other runners with him . Gordon Pirie , Chris Chataway , C . Brasher and Bannister . . They handed over the cheques at St Martin in the Fields to other runners in the relay 1st June 1954

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