Opium (poppy tears; lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Opium contains up to 12 percent morphine; an alkaloid; which is frequently processed chemically to produce heroin for the illegal drug trade.

The latex also includes codeine and non-narcotic alkaloids such as papaverine; thebaine and noscapine. The traditional method of obtaining the latex is to scratch ('score') the immature seed pods (fruits) by hand; the latex leaks out and dries to a sticky yellowish residue that is later scraped off the fruit. The production of opium itself has basically not changed since ancient times. However; through selective breeding of the Papaver somniferum plant; the content of the phenanthrene alkaloids morphine; codeine; and to a lesser extent thebaine; has been greatly increased.

Opium for illegal use is often converted into heroin; which is less bulky; making it easier to smuggle; and which multiplies its potency to approximately twice that of morphine. Heroin can be taken by intravenous injection; intranasally; or smoked (vaporized) and inhaled. Pictures From History

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