Probably born in Venice around 1254 CE; Marco Polo was raised by his aunt and uncle after his mother died. His father; Niccolo; was a Venetian merchant who left before Marco was born to trade in the Middle East. Niccolo and his brother Maffeo passed through much of Asia and met with Mongol emperor Kublai Khan who reportedly invited them to be ambassadors. In 1269; Niccolo and Maffeo returned to Venice; meeting Marco for the first time.

In 1271; Marco Polo; aged 17; with his father and his uncle; set off for Asia; travelling through Constantinople; Baghdad; Persia; Kashgar; China and Burma. They returned to Venice 24 years and 15;000 miles later with many riches. Upon their return; Venice was at war with Genoa; and Marco Polo was imprisoned. He spent the few months of his imprisonment dictating his adventures to a fellow inmate; Rustichello da Pisa; who incorporated the tales into a book he called 'The Travels of Marco Polo'. The book documented the use of paper money and the burning of coal; and opened European eyes to the wonders of the East.

In August 1227; during the fall of Yinchuan; the capital of Western Xia; Genghis Khan died. The exact cause of his death remains a mystery; and is variously attributed to being killed in action against the Western Xia; illness; falling from his horse; or wounds sustained in hunting or battle. Marco Polo wrote that he died after the infection of an arrow wound he received during his final campaign. Pictures From History

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