MARIA FAUSTINA KOWALSKA (1905-1938) been born to Glogowiec (Poland); by a family peasant; was christened with the name of Elena. Its religious vocation was manifested from small; this allowed them to live with detail intensity the moment of the first communion. To 16 years it left the family in order to work like domestic servant. Elena would have wished to enter in convent; but the family needed of aid and it did not allow it to him. Sped up in a vision from the Suffering Christ; 1 August 1925; entered in the Congregation of the Nuns of the Blessed soul Vergine Maria of the Misericordia assuming the name of Suor Maria Faustina. In the Congregation it lived 13 years; soggiornando to Cracovia; Plock; and Vilnius. It carried out duties of cook; giardiniera and door-keeper. Of classified character; it was always simple; serene and full of good will and disinterested love for the next one; living without esteriorare it an intense mystical life: its life in fact apparently without meaning; monotona and grey; hid an extraordinary union with God. Since infancy aspired to the holiness and in all its life stretched to the full union with God; putting up with every sacrifice in collaborating with the Christ for the salvation of the spirits. Many were the gifts with which the Gentleman it enriched it: visions; stimmate; the participation to Its Passion; the mystical union; profezia and the discernment. Malatasi of tuberculosis; accepted the suffering like sacrifice for the sinners. The dead women picked in the fullness of the spiritual maturity and mystically joined God; 5 October 1938 to Cracovia; at the age of 33 like Jesus; which she wished to be consistent. The reputation of his holiness ones grew along with the dissemination of the cult to the Divine Misericordia and for thanks obtained through its intercessione. In 1968 it began to Rome the beatification process that concluded in the December of 1992. April 1993 and proclamata Saint one April 2000 was beatified by Giovanni Paul II in Saint public square Peter to Rome 18 20.

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