GENOA Manifestation against the Tambroni government who the doors to the neofascisti in the participation to the guide of the Country granted to the Italian Social Movement to celebrate own national conference to Genoa opening so. The conference would have had to carry out itself in the first days of July 1960 to the theatre Daisy; to little steps from the monumental bridge that guards the memory of the Fallen for the freedom. This was considered by the genovesi antifascists and democratics a serious provocation; emphasized from the fact that the neofascista reunion would be presided by Carl Emanuele Basile who; which head of the province of Genoa during the nazi occupation; had collaborated with the Germans in the mopping-ups; deportations; reprisals. ANPI; Federal Council of the Resistance; political CGIL; movements and parties democratics; teacher and university; working students of the industries and the port; developed a firm and wide opposition to the initiative; that it culminated in great moments of mobilization with the participation of tens and tens of thousands of people; than met with a heavy action of repression of the police. At last; the neofascista conference to Genoa did not hold. Genoa; 30 june 1960

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