Ralph Beilby.The inside of the house; in the morai in Atooi. Showing the interior of the long house or mana in the heiau (morai) at Waimea; Kauai with carved representations of the gods. On the head of one was carved a cap like a helmet worn by the ancient warriors and on the other a round headdress. Offerings of several strips have been placed on them and about them; and on the other piece of carving between them. In front of the carvings lies is a heap of a plant. Before this; and in the middle if the house; is an oblong space; enclosed by a low edging of stone and covered over with pieces of cloth. Captain Cook's third voyage.1768-1780.From: Ralph Beilby; A collection of drawings by A. Buchan; S. Parkinson; and J. F. Miller; made in the Countries visited by Captain James Cook in his First Voyage [1768-1771]; also of prints published in John Hawksworth's Voyages of Biron [Byron]; Wallis; and Cook 1773; as well as in Cook's second and third Voyages [1772-1775; 1776-1780].Add. 23921 f. 74London; British Library.

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