Emiliano Zapata Salazar (August 8, 1879 - April 10, 1919) was a Mexican revolutionary. The Mexican Revolution was a major armed struggle that started in 1910, with an uprising led by Francisco Madero against longtime autocrat Porfirio D穩az, and lasted until around 1920. Over time the Revolution changed from a revolt against the established order to a multi-sided civil war. This armed conflict is often categorized as the most important sociopolitical event in Mexico and one of the greatest upheavals of the 20th century. A peasant since childhood, he gained insight into the severe difficulties of the countryside. He formed and commanded the Liberation Army of the South, during the Mexican Revolution. His followers were known as Zapatistas. Running low on supplies he walked into a trap set up by Federal Army colonel Guajardo who had offered to join forces. His soldiers attacked Zapata, killing him and routing his forces. Zapata is considered one of the national heroes of Mexico: towns, streets and housing developments named Emiliano Zapata are common across the country. His image has been used on Mexican banknotes.

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