Black Jack or Blackjack was the 2瞽 denomination United States postage stamp issued from July 1, 1863 to 1869, is generally referred to as the "Black Jack" due to the large portraiture of the United States President, Andrew Jackson on its face printed in pitch black. The stamp was issued to fulfill a need for a reduced rate, 2瞽 denomination for newspaper, magazine, and local deliveries; and was often used to "make up" higher rates, or split in half to make up lower ones (1瞽 stamp) due to shortages at the local post office. During the Civil War, the "Black Jack" was supposed to have been favored by both North and South, but as soon as the South got news of the North making a stamp depicting one of their own heroes, they printed a 2瞽 stamp depicting the same portrait of Jackson on their own "Red Jack" postage stamp in reaction.

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