The kakapo, also called owl parrot, is a species of large, flightless, nocturnal, ground-dwelling parrot of the super-family Strigopoidea endemic to New Zealand. It is the world's only flightless parrot, the heaviest parrot, nocturnal, herbivorous, visibly sexually dimorphic in body size, has a low basal metabolic rate and no male parental care, and is the only parrot to have a polygynous lek breeding system. It is also possibly one of the world's longest-living birds. The kakapo is critically endangered; as of March 2014, with an additional six from the first hatchings since 2011, the total known population is only 126 living individuals. Because of Polynesian and European colonization and the introduction of predators such as cats, rats, ferrets, and stoats, the kakapo was almost wiped out. Taken from "A history of the birds of New Zealand" by Walter Lawry Buller and John Gerard Keulemans, published 1873.

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