Bottlenose dolphins - dancing and blowing air underwater (Tursiops truncatus). Complex play / creative behaviour: dolphins often play with the bubbles or rings of air they create, both visually and by using sonar. They appear to enjoy biting the vortex rings, so that these burst into many separate normal bubbles, which then rise more rapidly to the surface. They also play games, diving through the bubble rings for fun!This group of dolphins are captive in Oltremare a theme park dedicated to the Adriatic sea located in Riccione, Italy, and are used in shows, educational programs (specially for school children) and research (we are studying mainly sound and echo location). From left to right:- Achille, 4 year old captive born; Bonnie, 30 years old mother of Achille; Ulisse, 9 years old captive born; Bravo, 28 years old father of Achille, Silver, Golia, Tabo, Ulisse; Tabo, 13 years old captive born; Candy, 27 years old mother of Tabo & Ulisse; Golia, 13 years old captive born; Micha, 20 year old male (starting a reproductive program this year); Silver, 9 years old captive born..

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