A hint to the Democratic platform makers. Illustration shows several men identified by last name Hill, Jones, Olney, Clark, Bailey, Shepard, Watterson, and Lamont carrying planks of lumber which are identified as Democratic policies from previous election platforms. As they construct the new Democratic Platform Puck points out that they have forgotten the only plank they can win with Tariff Reform which sits on a platform in the background on the right; in the background on the left stands William Jennings Bryan holding a Free Silver plank. Date 1902 April 16. A hint to the Democratic platform makers. Illustration shows several men identified by last name Hill, Jones, Olney, Clark, Bailey, Shepard, Watterson, and Lamont carrying planks of lumber which are identified as Democratic policies from previous election platforms. As they construct the new Democratic Platform Puck points out that they have forgotten the only plank they can win with Tariff Reform which sits on a platform in the background on the right; in the background on the left stands William Jennings Bryan holding a Free Silver plank. Date 1902 April 16.

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