Mayor Low's novel plan and its great possibilities. Illustration shows in the center, Mayor Seth Low sitting in a chair reading from a long list of his Plans for this Week to a group of reporters; in the vignettes to the right and left, someone is reading from a similar list of announcements, demands, changes to duties, new automobile laws, or simply stating, as in the case of the Cuban tariff, a businessman reads My policy is greed, deceit, dishonor and broken pledges. The readings take place in the Police Department, in the home of a henpecked husband, in the boarding house, in a kitchen ruled by a servant, in an automobile stopped before a group of country dwellers, and before a Cuban peasant growing sugarcane. Date 1902 August 13. Mayor Low's novel plan and its great possibilities. Illustration shows in the center, Mayor Seth Low sitting in a chair reading from a long list of his Plans for this Week to a group of reporters; in the vignettes to the right and left, someone is reading from a similar list of announcements, demands, changes to duties, new automobile laws, or simply stating, as in the case of the Cuban tariff, a businessman reads My policy is greed, deceit, dishonor and broken pledges. The readings take place in the Police Department, in the home of a henpecked husband, in the boarding house, in a kitchen ruled by a servant, in an automobile stopped before a group of country dwellers, and before a Cuban peasant growing sugarcane. Date 1902 August 13.

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