Some deserving candidates for the hero fund. Illustration shows a series of nine vignettes to the left and across the top of a main illustration. In each vignette a man puts himself at risk in one way or another; one man gets up in the middle of the night to attend to a screaming infant, another tests breakfast cereals, a third dares to enter the kitchen to reprimand the cook, others survive the street railroads, one suffers the attack of mosquitos, while others endure rude opera attendees, rural life, and a tour guide. In the main illustration each hero get a pension from Andrew Carnegie who is wearing a traditional Scottish kilt. Date 1904 August 24. Some deserving candidates for the hero fund. Illustration shows a series of nine vignettes to the left and across the top of a main illustration. In each vignette a man puts himself at risk in one way or another; one man gets up in the middle of the night to attend to a screaming infant, another tests breakfast cereals, a third dares to enter the kitchen to reprimand the cook, others survive the street railroads, one suffers the attack of mosquitos, while others endure rude opera attendees, rural life, and a tour guide. In the main illustration each hero get a pension from Andrew Carnegie who is wearing a traditional Scottish kilt. Date 1904 August 24.

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