The political Uncle Tommers. Illustration shows a scene aboard a ship carrying cotton, with a man labeled McAdoo, also identified as St. Clair, a young girl labeled Miss Columbia, also identified as Little Eva, the figure of a man with a large coin for a head, labeled National Currency, also identified as Uncle Tom, and a large man labeled Wall Street Banking Interests, also identified as Slave-driver Haley, holding a whip labeled Credit and the chain labeled Control that binds to servitude the National Currency. Date 1913 October 22. The political Uncle Tommers. Illustration shows a scene aboard a ship carrying cotton, with a man labeled McAdoo, also identified as St. Clair, a young girl labeled Miss Columbia, also identified as Little Eva, the figure of a man with a large coin for a head, labeled National Currency, also identified as Uncle Tom, and a large man labeled Wall Street Banking Interests, also identified as Slave-driver Haley, holding a whip labeled Credit and the chain labeled Control that binds to servitude the National Currency. Date 1913 October 22.

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