Since in the earliest paradise on record poor human nature found the plucking of forbidden fruit an irresistible temptation, it is not strange that in this paradise of the Tyrol the vineyards have to be protected by custodians. These watchmen, known as "Saltners," live for a month or more preceding vintage in cabins hidden away in shady corners of the long arcades. Their food is brought to them by the peasants, and they are supposed to roam about all night, to guard the ripening grapes; but even by day they always seem to be awake and active, eager to find an innocent tourist trespassing unawares on their domain. For then, in accordance with an unwritten law, they are entitled to exact a trifling fine from the intruder. The costume of the Saltner is startling enough to cause at first some apprehensions. He wears a fancifully decorated leathern jacket, and short knee breeches, between which and his low, white socks the legs are bare. Upon his chest hang rows of wild boar's teeth and claws, and not only does his embroidered belt contain a knife and pistol, but in his hand is usually held a formidable looking spear. The most marvelous part of the Saltner's wardrobe is, however, his hat, which certainly must rank among the most extraordinary head gears of humanity. Its basis is a form resembling the characteristic three-cornered chapeau of Napoleon; but on this is built up a sort of grotesque mound, composed of multicolored plumes and feathers, interspersed with tufts of fur, while bushy foxtails hang down over either ear, like monster curls. These fine chaps come from Merano in the Italian Tyrol.

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