Balim Sultan is known amongst the Bektashi as the second founder of the order (Turkish Pir Thani). The present-day initiation service of a Bektashi is sometimes called The Method of Balim Sultan". The tomb which is reputed to be that of Balim Sultan has an inscription over the door which calls the one buried there Hizir Bali, the son of Resul Bali, the son of Haji Bektash of Horosan, and the date is giving as 1519. This can refer to a spiritual son not necessarily a physical son. Outside the door of the Balim Sultan Tomb, there is a black mulberry tree said to have been thrown as a burning brand from Horosan by Ahmet Yesevi, which determined where Haji Bektash was to go. It is believed that to rub the bark on any ill part of the body will cure it. The Alevi believe this tree to still be burning with a blue flame on its tip."

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