One of a series of eight paintings by Balthasar Nebot (active 1729-1765) showing the spectacular garden landscape of Hartwell House, just outside Aylesbury, in 1738. Seven Gardeners Scything in the Wilderness This view looks north through the wilderness to the countryside beyond, where farm hands are haymaking. Aylesbury and the tower of St Mary?s church can just be seen in the distance. In the wilderness the gardeners are cutting the grass with scythes whilst the servants are chatting. The formal green architecture of topiary hedges, with classical stone temples and statues of gods and goddesses, was balanced by informal views towards the town. Sir Thomas Lee (1687-1749) of Hartwell commissioned the painting from Nebot, a little-known Spanish painter, based in Covent Garden. They provide a unique record of a country estate and garden landscape at this time. The people of Hartwell ? family, visitors, household and estate staff and, especially the gardeners ? are also portrayed in great detail.

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