Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) on July 20, 2020, showing the straight blue ion tail and the curving whitish-yellow dust tail. The ion tail extends up into and beyond the Bowl of the Big Dipper. The bright galaxies M81 and M82, very tiny here, are at upper right. The two pairs of stars either side of the comet head are Tania (left) and Talitha (right), in pairs with the two stars Borealis and Australis. Together they form the feet of Ursa Major, but are also part of the asterism known as the Three Leaps of the Gazelle along with another pair to the west off frame at left. This comet was discovered on 27th March 2020 by astronomers using the NEOWISE (Wide-Field Infrared Explorer) space telescope. It became visible to the naked eye by July 2020, and is one of the brightest comets since comet Hale-Bopp in 1997. It made its closest approach to the Sun on 3rd July 2020 at a distance of 43 million kilometres. Photographed from Crawling Lake, southern Alberta, Canada.

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