Man undergoing surgery to remove fibrosarcoma. Fibrosarcoma (fibroblastic sarcoma) is a malignant mesenchymal tumour derived from fibrous connective tissue and characterized by the presence of immature proliferating fibroblasts or undifferentiated anaplastic spindle cells in a storiform pattern. It is usually found in males aged 30 to 40 . It originates in fibrous tissues of the bone and invades long or flat bones such as femur, tibia, and mandible. It also involves periosteum and overlying muscle. The tumour may present different degrees of differentiation: low grade (differentiated), intermediate malignancy and high malignancy (anaplastic). Depending on this differentiation, tumour cells may resemble mature fibroblasts (spindle-shaped), secreting collagen, with rare mitoses. These cells are arranged in short fascicles which split and merge, giving the appearance of a fish bone known as a herringbone pattern. Poorly differentiated tumours consist in more atypical cells, pleomorphic, giant cells, multinucleated, numerous atypical mitoses and reduced collagen production. Presence of immature blood vessels (sarcomatous vessels lacking endothelial cells) favours the bloodstream metastasizing.

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