488394 Front and reverse of a promotional card for the Parisian Department Store \'Au Bon March矇\', depicting one of the most popular folk songs in the French language, \'Marlbrough s\'en va-t-en guerre ("Marlborough Has Left for the War"), c.1885-90 (colour litho) front and back of a promotional card for the Parisian Department Store \'Au Bon March矇\', c.1895 (chromo-litho) by French School, (19th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: The Bon March矇 Department stores in Paris were the creation of the French entrepreneur, Aristide Boucicaut (1810-77); after 1852 he and later with his wife, Marguerite (1826-87), revolutionised shopping and retailing in France; they developed the first department store (\'Grand Magasin\') in Paris, by 1877 the largest in the world; the Boucicauts were responsible for introducing the concept of shopping as an enjoyable experience with glamorous interiors; innovations included fixed prices, home delivery, large choice of goods, guarantees allowing exchanges or returns, catalogues , mail order and advertising; families were targeted by providing reading rooms for husbands while their wives made purchases and by giving balloons and attractively produced cards for children; the cards, usually in a series of six and published weekly were extremely popular and acted as an inducement to return frequently to the shops; the illustration shows the stores in the rue du Bac, designed by the architect Louis Charles Boileau and the engineer Armand Moisant, begun in 1870 and completed in 1887; the development of department stores was a major force in democratising consumption and making society more egalitarian by giving women the freedom and ability to shop on their own); French, out of copyright.

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