488938 Representation of the Ceremony of Presenting the Sheriffs of London, Samuel Birch and William Heygate Esqs. in the Court of the Exchequer on the morrow after Michaelmas day 1811, print made by James Stow, 1813 (engraving) by Whichelo, C. John Mayle (1784-1865) (after); Private Collection; (add.info.: Depiction of a curious ceremony that was performed until 1859 after the presentation of the sherrifs of London in which the Crier of the Court for the service proclaims "Oyez! oyez! oyez! Tenants and occupiers of a piece of waste ground called \'The Moors,\' in the county of Salop, come forth and do your service, upon pain and peril that shall fall thereon !" The senior alderman below the chair then cut one fagot (small twigs) with a hatchet, and another with a billhook. The Crier then proclaims:??Oyez! oyez! oyez! Tenants and occupiers of a certain tenement called \'The Forge,\' in the parish of St. Clement Danes, in the county of Middlesex, come forth and do your service." The alderman then counted certain horseshoes and hobnails, and was questioned by the Queen\'s Remembrancer thus:??How many have you?" "Six shoes." Then the alderman counted the nails. "How many have you?" "Sixty-one nails?ood number." ); English, out of copyright.

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