672314 Objects found in the tomb of Childeric I at Tournay (chromolitho) (see also 161328, 172230 and 694817) by French School, (19th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: Objects found in the tomb of Childeric I at Tournay in 1653; (the date of 1656 given here is erroneous); illustration for Les Chroniqueurs de l\'histoire de France by Madame de Witt (Hachette, 1884); Childeric I (426-491) King of the Salian Franks; the treasure was found in 1653 in Childeric\'s tomb at Tournai. Belgium and given in 1665 to King Louis XIV of France, who placed the objects in his Cabinet de m矇dailles, today in the Biblioth癡que nationale de France; stolen in 1831, some of the treasure was recovered from the river Seine; objects shown include weapons, coins and bees; the bees were probably used as decoration for horse harness and later caught the attention of Emperor Napoleon I who adopted the bee as a symbolic emblem linking the new Bonaparte dynasty with the origins of France and the Merovingian dynasty;); 穢 Look and Learn; French, out of copyright.

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