1765247 James Pettit Andrews, c.1790 (oil on canvas) by Drummond, Samuel (1765-1844) (attr. to); 590x495 cm; Society of Antiquaries of London, UK; (add.info.: Portrait of James Pettit Andrews (c 1737?97). The family purchased an Elizabethan mansion, Shaw House, near Newbury, Berkshire, in 1750, and Joseph, James\' elder brother, was created a baronet and inherited the property. James built a Gothic style residence at the nearby Donnington Grove in 1763. He became a magistrate in Berkshire and was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1763, but he resigned his Fellowship in 1783 and moved to Kensington, where he became involved in campaigns for social reform and other charitable works, including joining the Committee for the Relief of the Black Poor with his brother in 1786; in 1788 he published an influential pamphlet that led to the first Act regulating the employment of chimney sweeps? apprentices. In 1792 he was appointed one of the country?s first stipendiary magistrates established under the Middlesex Justices Act.); British, out of copyright.

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