2646169 Loggia of Galatea by Italian School, (16th century); Villa Farnesina, Rome, Italy; (add.info.: Rome, Villa Farnesina, the Loggia of Galatea: frescoes. On the left, "Polyphemus", by Sebastiano del Piombo (1512 - 3). The Cyclop, who was in love with the beautiful nymph, originally was frescoed naked and afterwards covered by a light blue dress. On the right, "The Triumph of Galatea", by Raphael (1513 - 4). Galatea was the beautiful nymph whom Raphael depicted amongst a throng of sea creatures as she speeds away from her admirer on a fantastical shell drawn by dolphins. Roma, Villa Farnesina, Loggia di Galatea: affreschi. A sinistra "Polifemo", affresco di Sebastiano del Piombo (1512 - 1513); lo sgraziato innamorato di Galatea, originariamente era stato ritratto nudo e poi per decenza fu rivestito da una vestina azzurra. A destra "Il trionfo di Galatea", affresco di Raffaello (1513 - 1514). La ninfa e trasportata sull\'acqua in un cocchio formato da una conchiglia trainata da delfini e intorno una festa di tritoni, amorini e nereidi.); Ghigo Roli; Italian, out of copyright.

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