JOC4401049 Cartoon of the politics of the Second Empire (Bonapartiste Regime) directed by Napoleon III (Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, dit Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, 1808-1873). ???rom 1 July onwards, the underwriters of the imperial loan shall enter into use?? Commentary by Henri Rochefort (1831-1913), French journalist and politician: ??????By announcing the issue of four hundred and a few million which the ever-increasing prosperity of our finances forces to borrow, the ???oniteur??adds naively: ???he enjoyment of the loan is from 1 July?? These financiers have these words.??Illustration by Andre Gill, La Lanterne, August 8, 1868. Engraving in ??????Napoleon dernier: Les Lanternes de l\'Empire??????(Volume 1, vol1), reedition of 1880-1881 of 75 issues of the newspaper ??????La Lanterne ??????published by Henri Rochefort (1831-1913) between 30/05/1868 and 29/10/1869 at the Anti-Clerical Librairie. Private collection.; ( Cartoon of the politics of the Second Empire (Bonapartiste Regime) directed by Napoleon III (Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, dit Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, 1808-1873). ???rom 1 July onwards, the underwriters of the imperial loan shall enter into use?? Commentary by Henri Rochefort (1831-1913), French journalist and politician: ??????By announcing the issue of four hundred and a few million which the ever-increasing prosperity of our finances forces to borrow, the ???oniteur??adds naively: ???he enjoyment of the loan is from 1 July?? These financiers have these words.??Illustration by Andre Gill, La Lanterne, August 8, 1868. Engraving in ??????Napoleon dernier: Les Lanternes de l\'Empire??????(Volume 1, vol1), reedition of 1880-1881 of 75 issues of the newspaper ??????La Lanterne ??????published by Henri Rochefort (1831-1913) between 30/05/1868 and 29/10/1869 at the Anti-Clerical Librairie. Private collection.); Photo by Sibroc; out of copyright.

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