5846315 Akiba Gongen, Manifestation of Mount Akiba (wood with polychrome & gold) by Japanese School, (17th century); 87.6?41.3?41.9 cm; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, USA; (add.info.: This deity, known as the Manifestation of Mount Akiba in Echigo Province, is worshipped as a protector against fire. Also called Akiba Gongen, the deity is commonly portrayed as a figure with elements of the Shinto tengu, the Buddhist Wisdom King Fud? My??, and the Hindu goddess Dakini. Shinto tengu are fierce, long-beaked, and winged goblins with a bird??? face and a human body, and we can see those features here. Like the Buddhist Wisdom King Fud? My??, Akiba Gongen is dressed as a Buddhist monk and holds a double-edged sword and a rope. Dakini is a Hindu goddess who rides on a white fox and flies through the sky, just as Akiba Gongen does.); by Minneapolis Institute of Art; Gift of the Clark Center for Japanese Art & Culture; Japanese, out of copyright.

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