Dodelycke Uytgang by Syn Hoogheyt Fred. Hendrik Prince van Oranje etc. Anno 1647 Begraeffenisse of syne hoogheyt Frederick Henrick. Luxuriously colored edition of the prints of the funeral procession of Frederik Hendrik in 1647 (series title); Frederik Hendrik on his deathbed; surrounded by family and friends. Below the show the names of fifteen of those present are mentioned. Colored print in golden frame and pasted in the luxury edition from ca. 1755 of the book 'Begraeffenisse van syne hoogheyt Frederick Henrick' by Pieter Post; published in Amsterdam in 1651; Frederik Hendrik ( Prince of Orange); Amalia of Solms; Willem II (Prince of Orange); Maria Henrietta Stuart; Frederik Willem Brandenburg (I) van; Louise Henriette (Princess of Orange); Johan Wolfert van Brederode; Maria (Princess of Orange) (1642 -1688); lord of Zuylestein Frederik van Nassau; count Hendrik van Nassau-Siegen; Jacob Cats (1577-1660); Constantijn Huygens (I); Johannes Goethals; Johan Maurits count of Nassau-Siegen; Cornelis van Dalen (I); 1647; paper; engraving; h 355 mm x w 400 mm

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