Italy; Tuscan Archipelago; island of Elba: General Drouot (left; actor: Franco Boschian); Napoleon Bonaparte (center; actor: Franco Gianone); and Marie Countess Walewska (actress: Giuliana Berti) during their performance in Casetta Drouot in Poggio; Paolo Ferruzzi is also running the nearby Casetta Drouot. Paolo Ferruzzi; retired art director of Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and new director of private Academy of teh Beautiful (Accademia del Bello) in Poggio; runs at Casetta Drouot; an original 17th century building with original furniture; the theatre company Compagnia teatrale dei Tappezzieri theatre company of the upholsterers). In original furnuiture of 1814; three actors play Napoleon Bonaparte; Napoleon; Marie Countess Walewska (German: Gr鋐in Maria Walewska); 1876 - 1817; and General Drouot. Conte Antoine (Antonio) Drouot was an artillery general of Napoleon and; in 1814; 40 years old. He followed Napoleon in his exile on Elba and became Governor of Elba. The Casa Drouot also shows a rare copy of the Code Napoleon and a rare copy of a French travel guide book to island of Elba; Napoleon may have used. The Code Napoleon has been issued on 3rd of September 1807 (3.9.1807) and is today owned by Ferruzzi. The French travel guide book; most probably used by Napoleon Bonaparte; has the title "Voyage a l`isle d`Elbe" (english: Voyage to island of Elba) and was issued; in 1808. History of this copy of the Code Napoleon: In 1814; the honorious people of village of Poggio chose the most beautiful girl in the mountain village to hand over to exiled Napoleon Bonaparte flowers; when he was visitng Poggio for the first time for inspection. The people chose "Betta la Carina"; english "sweet Elizabeth" (Betta = Elisabetta); whose full name was Elisabetta Pavolini. On the piazza in front of main village church San Niccol?the girl presented herself to Bonaparte with "grazia e titubanza"; dignity and hesitation; but overwhelmened; she did not speak any word. Napoleon was amused and asked her for her name. She answered: "Carina" (Sweetheart). Napoleon kept cool and gave her a gift: A copy of the Code Napoleon; written since 1804; printed or issued on 3rd of September; 1807 (3.9.1807). And he gave er a personal inscription in the book: "To Carina; to remember always this day and her Imperator (Emporor)."Later on; sculptor Allori; who was in charge to renovate the chruch of San Defendente; fell in love to Betta la Carina and marbled her face as an angel above the main altar of the church. San Defendente was a Roman military man (soldier) who died in 287 as a Christian martyr. He refused to greet Caesar Maximian as a god. Poggio was a favorite holiday place of Winston Churchill; Greta Garbo and painter de Chirico.

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