Epoch of OdysseusIn a period of time when history is being made; the life of one person; named Odysseus; will mark the events of particular characteristics for years to come. Travels of need that are about to befall Odysseus and his warriors after the fall of Troy; a series of acts that the Gods arranged. The Nemesis (goddess of revenge) will follow him during his ten years of wandering.After many years have slipped by; the leaders of the Greeks; opposed by the Fates and damaged by the Trojan War; build a horse of mountainous size; through Pallas's divine art and weave planks of fir over its ribs. They pretend it's a votive offering for Troy: this rumour spreads. They secretly hide a picked body of men; chosen by lot; there; in the dark body; filling the belly and the huge cavernous insides with armed warriors.Troy burning.Drawing and watercolour; 2020

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