The School of Athens (L'Ecole d'Athenes; Die Schule von Athen).Painting by Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio; Raffael).- Painted in the Stanza della Segnatura (Room of the Signatura; Salle de la Signature; Saal der Signatur) between 1509 and 1511 as a part of Raphael's commission to decorate the rooms now known as the Stanze di Raffaello; in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.- The most famous philosophers of ancient times move within an imposing Renaissance architecture which is inspired by Bramante's project for the renewal of the early Christian basilica of St Peter. Some of these are easily recognizable. In the centre Plato (Platon) points upwards with a finger and holds his book Timeus (Timee; Timaios) in his hand; flanked by Aristotle (Aristote; Aristoteles) with his book Ethics (Ethique; Ethik) ; Pythagoras (Pythagore) is shown in the foreground intent on explaining the diatesseron. Diogenes (Diogene) is lying on the stairs with a dish; while the pessimist philosopher; Heraclitus (Heraclite; Heraklit) a portrait of Michelangelo; is leaning against a block of marble; writing on a sheet of paper. On the right we see Euclid (Euclide; Euklid); who is teaching geometry to his pupils; Zoroaster (Zarathustra; Zarathoustra; Zoroastre) holding the heavenly sphere and Ptolemy (Claude Ptol閙閑; Claudius Ptolemaus) holding the earthly sphere. The personage on the extreme right with the black beret is a self-portrait of Raphael.Vatican Museums. 2021.

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