JEB4874759 Portulan of the Mediterranean Sea and its coasts (Africa, Barbary, Europe, Middle East). Nautical chart by Joan Oliva on parchment, 1593 preserved at the Municipal Library of Marseille. On this map is a montage with a blue trace that highlights the different stages of Ulysses\' journey narrated in Homer\'s Odyssey: 1. the city of Troy 2. the city of Cicones, Ismare 3. the land of the Lotophagi 4. the land of the Cyclops 5. the island of Aeolus 6. Telepyle, the city of Lestrygons 7. the island of Aea where the sorceress Circe lives 8. the mermaids, Charybdis and Scylla 9. the island of Calypso 10 the island of the Phaeacians and Ithaca; ( Portulan of the Mediterranean Sea and its coasts (Africa, Barbary, Europe, Middle East). Nautical chart by Joan Oliva on parchment, 1593 preserved at the Municipal Library of Marseille. On this map is a montage with a blue trace that highlights the different stages of Ulysses\' journey narrated in Homer\'s Odyssey: 1. the city of Troy 2. the city of Cicones, Ismare 3. the land of the Lotophagi 4. the land of the Cyclops 5. the island of Aeolus 6. Telepyle, the city of Lestrygons 7. the island of Aea where the sorceress Circe lives 8. the mermaids, Charybdis and Scylla 9. the island of Calypso 10 the island of the Phaeacians and Ithaca); 穢 Jean Bernard. All rights reserved 2022.

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