City of Ruvo di Puglia: small brass band "U`Friskett" playing in the streets of Ruvo to announce the annual feast of Saint Roch (16th of August); The small brass band "U`Friskett" is from Carbonara di Bari; a city quarter of Bari; 5 km from the city center. it was founded 1954. coordinator is Francesco Guerra. Sometimes; also Piripicchio appears with the band; played by the artist Vito Guerra (2021: 77 years old). Piripicchio is an art name; meaning somebody; who tries to place himself in the centre of attention; created by actor; comedian and street artist Michele Genovese (born 5th of July 1907 in Barletta - died 1st August 1980 in Bitonto); once known as the "Charly Chaplin of Apulia". He was one of the main protagonists of the Italian Avanspettascolo (before the show) theatre genre; created between the 1930s and 1950s. Saint Roch of Montpellier lived according to French and Italian sources ca 1345/50 - 16th of August 1376/79; according to German sources ca 1295 - 1379; to English sources ca 1295 - 1327. In 1502; a plague threatened city of Ruvo di Puglia. Miraculously; Saint Roch appeared as a pilgrim with dog and banned the plague. In 1503; people erected the church of Saint Roch (chiesa di San Rocco); in Ruvo di Puglia. In 1576; the brotherhood (Confraternit? of Saint Roch was founded in Ruvo di Puglia. Each year; there is a patronage festival for him. //

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