Autumn in the Adirondacks, c. 1872-73, Alexander Wyant, American, 1836 - 1892, 19 ¡Ñ 29 5/16 in. (48.26 ¡Ñ 74.45 cm) (sight)30 3/4 ¡Ñ 41 ¡Ñ 4 1/2 in. (78.11 ¡Ñ 104.14 ¡Ñ 11.43 cm) (outer frame), Oil on canvas, United States, 19th century, Cloud cover and lake work together in this painting to suggest the misty atmosphere of a Fall day following a passing storm. Alexander Wyant favored these atmospheric scenes and made them in such a way as to allow the viewer to feel what it must have been like to experience this moment in the Adirondack Mountains. Wyant often painted in this location ¡V Lake Placid in New York ¡V and favored autumn for its range of colors and dramatic changes in the landscape. Whiteface Mountain emerges in the distance through the slowly moving clouds.

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