The Letter, 1791, Michel Garnier, French, 1753 - 1819, 18 1/2 x 14 3/4 in. (46.99 x 37.47 cm) (canvas)25 x 22 in. (63.5 x 55.88 cm) (outer frame), Oil on canvas, France, 18th century, The crumpled envelope cast to the floor indicates the eagerness with which this woman opened the letter she grasps in one hand. Her attention, however, is now turned to the miniature (small portrait) she holds in the other. Before the invention of photography, miniatures kept lovers close to one another¡¦s hearts. But who is courting this woman' Their identity hidden from us, we can only speculate. The music book on the harpsicord and the elegant interior indicate that the woman in the painting is a member of the fashionable Parisian elite. With powdered hair and a ruffled apron covering her dress, she is likely the head of her household. But her slight smile, arched eyebrows, and sidelong gaze¡Xas well as the older servant¡¦s interest¡Xsuggests intrigue. Is the subject her husband, or perhaps a new suitor' As the artist intended, this delicately painted intimate scene coyly raises more questions than answers.

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