Silver inkstand recently presented to Mr. Costa, 1860. An elegant silver inkstand, designed and manufactured by Elkington and Co., has recently been presented to Mr. Costa. The inscription on its front medallion, which is as follows, fully explains the purpose of its presentation: "From the Crystal Palace Company and the Sacred Harmonic Society, to Michael Costa, in grateful remembrance of the talent and exertion displayed by him as conductor of the Handel Centenary Commemoration, 1859." Upon the medallion at the back the following is inscribed: " Messiah, June, 20, 1859; TeDeum, June 22, 1859; Israel in Egypt, June 24, 1859." And upon the scroll, held by the boy figure at the right side, " George Frederick Handel, born Feb. 24, 1684." The other scroll contains the date of his death - "April 13, 1759." The statuette of Handel was modelled from the celebrated marble statue by Roubilliac, which is now in the possession of the Sacred Harmonic Society. The figure to the beholders right represents the Genius of Music recording the strains of the great composer, while the figure to the left indicates by the palm-branch the peaceful influence of music. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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