Camp of the Sikh Cavalry at Cowloong opposite Hong-Kong: Probyns Horse and Fanes Horse - from a sketch by [Mr. Wirgman] our special artist in China, 1860. The British Indian Army in China. In the distance is part of the harbour of Hong-Kong, with the French fleet riding at anchor. The situation of this camp was very beautiful, and the atmosphere delightful - much cooler than at Hong-Kong. A correspondent speaks thus of our light cavalry in China:..."Both men and beasts are in splendid condition. Indeed, out of 1689 horses there are but 40 sick...Probyn and Fane started nearly at the same time from Cawnpore and Lucknow to embark at Calcutta. They marched one against the other and performed the distance - 700 miles - in less than a month"...The Times correspondent writes as follows of the Sikh Irregulars in China "Why do not the military authorities utilise these Sikh Irregulars elsewhere than in India ? They have no prejudices of caste or race; they will eat and drink whatever you give them, are hardy and robust, accustomed to a climate much like our own, and, when properly looked after, not inordinately given to loot. Their conduct here has been exemplary, and they are the very men for outpost and picket duty". From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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