The Revolution in Naples - street scene in Naples the day after the arrival of Garibaldi - from a sketch by T. Nast, 1860. We had yesterday a sort of political carnival, which was prolonged till a late hour. Toledo was thronged with an insane multitude...The crowd consisted of the lowest rabble, with a sprinkling of men and women of the middle orders. It was a flag and torch procession, with cries and shouts, such as can only be uttered by Neapolitan throats. Besides the incessant, deafening Viva Garrubbaldo! Viva Galibalda! and a hundred other distortions of the name of the hero of the day...the cry was Una - una - una, Viva lltalia Una! Vogliamo lItalia Una!...throng of carriages, throng of men, throng of women - the men brandishing naked swords, or waving flags or hats; the women bare-headed, dishevelled, with disordered garments, cheering, embracing, and kissing...There was a mingling and blending of classes and sexes; a full license to beggars and pickpockets to jostle honest citizens and patriots: yet the many-headed monster was in its best humour. We did not see one case of actual drunkenness, nor did we hear of a row or fight, or any other accident or offence. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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