The Revolution in Sicily - Colonel Peard, "Garibaldis Englishman" - from a sketch by T. Nast, 1860. One of Garibaldis companions-in-arms in the campaign of Northern Italy, Captain Peard...has followed the fortunes of his chieftain in Sicily. Several of our countrymen greatly distinguished themselves on the national side at the battle of Melazzo, and among them was Captain Peard, who, at the conclusion of the fight, was raised to the rank of Colonel for his valuable services. Colonel Peard is, we are assured by those who know him well, a fine English gentleman, and not the melodramatic hero that people who know him only through the fame of his exploits are apt to believe. He is described as being a handsome man, with long hair, beard tinged with grey, blue English eyes, and an honest English heart; much amused at the absurd stories that have been told about him - a true military man, and a worshipper of Garibaldi, intent on doing his utmost for Italian independence. We have great pleasure in [introducing Colonel Peard to our numerous readers by means of the accompanying likeness of him, by T. Nast, just forwarded to us from Sicily. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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