The Coronation of the King of Prussia: His Majesty entering K?nigsberg [now Kaliningrad] by the Brandenburg Gate - from a sketch by our special artist, 1861. The King and the Crown Prince...It is deeply to he regretted that King William of Prussia utterly misconceives the basis upon which regal authority ultimately rests, and that, in haughty defiance of the reason of the age, he should have deemed it necessary or becoming to enunciate in his own behalf the obsolete doctrine of "divine right." The family of the Hohenzollern is not so ancient, nor have their possessions come to them, in all cases, by so clear a warrant, as to entitle him to preface his formal assumption of the ancestral sceptre with the declaration, "The rulers of Prussia receive their crown from God. To-morrow, therefore, I shall take the crown from the Lords table, and place it on my head. This is the meaning of the expression King by the grace of God, and therein lies the sanctity of the crown, which is inviolable." We are willing to suppose that this is rather the statement of a theory than the breathing forth of a spirit, and that it would be safer to infer from it that the Prussian Monarch is a pedant than that he intends to play the tyrant. From "Illustrated London News", 1861.

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