Reinforcements for Canada: shipping sledges on board the Calcutta at Woolwich for guns and carriages of the battery 4th Battalion Royal Artillery, 1862. The storekeepers department was engaged during the whole of the day in shipping the residue of her freight, consisting of 120 tons of Armstrong shot, the 12-pound battery of rifled guns and their appurtenances. There was also embarked an ample provision of warm military clothing, consisting of, for each man, two pairs of woollen drawers, one sheepskin overcoat, one pair of sealskin mits, one pair of Canadian boots, two pairs of worsted stockings, one sealskin cap with ear-mufflers, one chamois-leather waistcoat, one comforter, one jersey, and two merino undervests. The Calcutta left Woolwich pier on Sunday morning at ten, having previously shipped in addition forty-six troop horses, which, by the superior arrangement afforded by the hydraulic-cranes, are now hoisted on board and berthed without danger or inconvenience. Thirty snow-sledges were also shipped, a similar allotment having been supplied to each former battery now on the voyage. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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