Trades demonstration at Florence against the temporal power of the Pope, 1862. Engraving from a sketch by M. Mariani. [View of]...a demonstration in answer to the last declaration of Cardinal Antonelli, maintaining...that "Italy is not hostile to the temporal power of the Pope."...Each group of artisans was preceded by the banner of its corporation ornamented with laurel-leaves, and enlivened respectively by a variety of placards...such as "Viva Roma libera, capitale dltalia!" "Abbasso il Papa Re!" (Down with the Pope-King!) "Viva lltalia una!" &c. At intervals came bands of music playing national airs...when the procession reached the Palazzo Vecchio, cheers were given for the Prefect and for the National Guard, who were drawn up under arms and ready to suppress any attempt at disorder; but the demonstration passed off with the utmost urbanity...The crowd...was enthusiastic in cheering the persons taking an active part in this manifestation, comprising, in fact, persons of all classes of Florentine society...Our Artist made his Sketch as the procession reached the Piazza della Signoria, so interesting for the number of historical monuments that surround it.... From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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