The late Professor Barlow, F.R.S., 1862. This distinguished philosopher was born in Norwich in 1776...His mathematical acquirements and his energetic character displayed themselves at an early age. In 1806 he was appointed one of the Mathematical Professors at the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, which office he held until 1847...His discovery of the means of correcting the local attraction on the compasses of ships brought him into great notoriety, and he received the Copley medal, and was elected on the council of the Royal Society. The Board of Longitude conferred upon him the rewards provided for useful nautical discoveries...In 1836 he was appointed one of the Irish Railway Commissioners...and subsequently appointed on the other Royal commissions relating to railways in England. In 1847 he retired from the Royal Military Academy, when the Government awarded him his full income for the remainder of his life, in consideration of his eminent services. His simple and upright character, and his kind and cheerful disposition, endeared him to a large circle of friends. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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