The International Exhibition - marble chimneypiece, by Leclercq, in the Belgian Court - from a photograph by the London Stereoscopic Company, 1862. This is unquestionably a work of very great excellence and beauty, and is in that just style which commands admiration...The side supports are chimeras, terminated above in goats heads and pier brackets blended into the female form. These latter supporting members are worthy of very careful consideration in view of their beauty and the excellent manner in which architectural supporting members are blended with the figures. A staylike armour appears as the dress of the figure, which, by its indurate character, ig admirably suited to bring about the union of the animal body with the more solid stone. The Italian scrollwork, with its tenderness of treatment and justness, the mouldings so fully suited to their positions, and the general massing out of the work, may be separately studied with advantage. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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