The International Exhibition: trophy of galvano-plastic works of art exhibited by Messrs. Elkington, of Regent-street, 1862. Display of artworks made using ...the new process of electro-deposit, or the galvano-plastic process now so widely used and skilfully applied by the inventors, Messrs Elkington... in Messrs. Elkingtons process...there are positively no limits, save that of gigantic size, to the production of works of art...In the view of the case we engrave will be seen a gilt and oxydised table and mirror, executed from original models from the Alhambra. On the table is a silver equestrian statuette of Godiva, of very chaste and graceful design, presented to her Majesty by the late Prince Consort. The candelabra between which the statuette is placed were designed by the Prince himself, and form a portion of a set retained for use at Balmoral. The candelabra and statuette are the property of her Majesty, and exhibited by her permission. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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