The Valparaiso and Santiago Railway: the Tabon Incline, 1864. Engraving from a drawing by Mr. Boulet, a draughtsman ...of the Chilian Government, of the highest railways in the world... Its length is somewhat over 114 miles, and, as its course lies through a portion of the Chain of the Andes, it offers, in some respects, features seldom encountered upon works of this nature...The passage of the mountain range of Tabon, between Valparaiso and the capital, was a very formidable undertaking, and in accomplishing this the chief difficulties have been surmounted. For some miles the line climbs along the face of precipitous cliffs, at a considerable height above their base, while above it tower rugged porphyry cliffs more than 1000 ft. in height, the favourite haunt of condors, eagles, and other bird of prey...A considerable portion of the funds employed upon the construction of this railway have been furnished from England through the house of Baring Brothers; and its total expense has exceeded two millions sterling...The railway...has been executed under the direction of Mr. Lloyd, formerly assistant of the late Robert Stephenson. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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